First Rails gotcha: Rails doesn’t tear down fixture data

Rails doesn’t delete loaded fixtures in the tear down phase of tests, but it does delete and re-insert the fixtures you do use at the beginning of tests. This is a serious problem if you use foreign keys.

This issue is covered in the Rails issue tracker here:
Continue reading “First Rails gotcha: Rails doesn’t tear down fixture data”


I have a text file full of links and notes extracted from about a month of reading everything posted to the 2 dozen Ruby, Rails, Postgres, and web tech blogs that I subscribe to via RSS. There’s so much going on in Ruby and Rails in particular, especially when it comes to convenient shortcuts that save you work, that there’s something new and cool and slightly revolutionary on a daily basis that you could use to make your app prettier.

So I’ve been in a state of analysis paralysis for about a week.

I was trying so hard to be clever and state of the art that I forgot to get something working.
Continue reading “Prefactoring”